CV. Indonesian Science Media (ISM) is a private health education service (KBLI 85494), book publishing KBLI 58110), journal publisher, book printing, newspaper (KBLI 18111), national and international based which was established on February 28, 2024 and legalized by the minister of law and human rights of the republic of Indonesia NUMBER AHU-0018410-AH.01.14 of 2024 with the encouragement of various parties both government, private and individual.”
As a manifestation of the company’s series of formation and learning processes through effective and efficient management of education, services and technology and this method, we are ready to provide non-formal education services, organizing seminars/webinars, workshops, conferences and publishing the best journals and printing in improving professional human resources, scientific and technological updates that are more tangible.
Vision: Improving the competence of human resources (Health Workers) based on evidencedbased practice, technology and research systems for the creation of a physically and mentally healthy public.
Mission: To improve public health through services, seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences, trainings, journal publications and research so that the public is able to provide prevention and information on disease management.
Philosophy: Improving public health through services, seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences, training, publishing journals and research so that the public is able to provide prevention and information on disease management.
Competence: Indonesian Science Media places professional competence in providing services and education both in maintenance, skills, standard operating procedures, expertise, selection of products and services provided as well as leadership and employees and researchers in scientific renewal and educating the nation.
Compentetive: Indonesian Science Media positions itself to be ready to compete in quality and quantity in various aspects of commercial, research, education and services efficiently (in cost) and effectively (appropriate and effective) with competitors in the field.
Self-reliance: Indonesian Science Media participates in developing self-reliance at local, national and international levels by building partnerships with others to play a role in improving public health, health education and health research.